Campus Introductory Program For Freshmen of STIESIA Surabaya, Academic Year 2021/2022

An event, i.e. Campus Introductory Program for Freshmen (PPKMB) of STIESIA Surabaya, Academic Year 2021/2022, was held as first step for freshmen in knowing campus environment and its whole with the expectation of being able to have maximum course learning and adapt with academic community of STIESIA Surabaya.

          The opening speech of Campus Introductory Program for Freshmen was given by Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA. (President of STIESIA) and officially opened by Dr. Triyonowati, M.Si (Third Vice-president) which was held by online through zoom during 3 days; starter from September, 13-15 2021.

          After officially opened, the event was continued by the freshmen inaguration academic year of 2021-2022 with almamater pinning and mutz to 4 freshmen who represented each study program.

          The material for PPKMB of STIESIA was not only delivered by internal lecturers, but also given by Brigjen TNI Jubei Levianto (Director of State Defence of Kemenhan) for material around State Defence. Moreover, the material for danger of terrorism was explained by Komjen. Pol. Dr. Boy Rafli Amar, M.H. (Head of Terrorism Prevention Agency).

          Furthermore, during 3 days of PPKMB the freshmen needed to have finished the assigment which the senior gave. Hopefully, they could truely explore some knowledges that had not been explored when they were in the senior high school. In addition, the closing was ended by Master of Ceremony. In addition, in order to strengthen the togetherness among students, swa foto was taken virtually using zoom background with PKKMB theme.