Students of STIESIA Surabaya namely Ahmad Nizar (2110180194), Rahmat Diotiffano Winanda (2110180225), and Bintang Adi Santoso (2110180137) with their amazing product De’Chips made STIESIA Surabaya competed with 318 Indonesia universities either state or private in KMI Expo XIII 2022. This event was held by Kemendikbud Ristek in UPN Veteran of East Java. The product was originally made by students of STIESIA Surabaya. It was produced from banana pith or stem since 2019. With the product, the three students, i.e. Nizar, Dio, and Bintang had got through the Students Business Development program which was initiated by Kemendikbud Ristek. Therefore, they were invited to attend KMI Expo that was held in UPN Veteran of East Java.
- 29 Nov
- 2022