SURABAYA ( – The Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya continuously strives to build synergistic networks with partners in the business and industrial sectors.
This time, STIESIA has established a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT. Indo Bismar, a company providing a wide range of information technology products. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT. Indo Bismar, Dr. H. Siswanto, S.Sos., M.M., led the management team in attending the MoU signing ceremony.
Also present at the signing ceremony were Mrs. Suci Kartikasari (DAS Manager), Mr. Rizki Dharma (Education Manager), Mr. Fandi Pradana (Education Staff), Mrs. Diah Miranti (HRD), Mrs. Dita Ayu (HRD), Mr. Elham Febriyantoko (Operations Manager), Mr. Rizal Bahtiar (Marketing), Mr. Mutkaqim Asro (Assistant Supervisor), and Mrs. Novi Nur Hidayati (Operations Staff).
From the management of Perpendiknas as the legal body managing STIESIA and STIESIA Surabaya, all leaders were present, including the heads of the D3, S1, S2, and S3 programs, as well as the heads of relevant work units, who were present at the signing ceremony.
As with previous collaborations with various institutions, both public and private, this MoU also pertains to the implementation of the three pillars of higher education: education, research, and community service, as mandated by Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education.
Mr. Sulistyo Budi Utomo BBA, M.A. Ec., Ph.D., Head of the Cooperation Department under the coordination of the Vice Chancellor III of STIESIA, stated that the MoU is also related to the implementation of internships and educational collaborations, primarily regarding the implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). “Currently, Indo Bismar has 600 employees spread across various branches. On average, the employees are vocational school graduates, and those with at least 3 years of experience can continue to a D3 or S1 program through the RPL pathway,” explained the man commonly known as Pak Tyo.
In fact, during the signing ceremony, four individuals had already registered through the RPL pathway. “Including the CEO of PT Indo Bismar (Mr. Siswanto) himself, who, although holding a doctoral degree, does not yet have a bachelor’s degree in Accounting,” said the Head of the Entrepreneurship Laboratory at STIESIA.
Mr. Tyo stated that this MoU between STIESIA and PT. Indo Bismar allows both parties to synergize in improving the quality of human resources and advancing PT. Indo Bismar’s future. “Not only for PT. Indo Bismar, but STIESIA students can also gain internship opportunities and further studies for PT. Indo Bismar employees through the RPL pathway, in both D3, S1, and S2 programs,” said Mr. Tyo.
Mr. Siswanto, in his speech, also motivated his employees who already hold an S2 degree to continue their studies to the doctoral (S3) level. During the ceremony, both leaders from the two institutions signed the MoU document, exchanged souvenirs, and took a group photo together.
On a prior occasion, Mr. Siswanto also served as a speaker at a workshop for students receiving the Student Entrepreneurial Development Program funds, organized at the STIESIA campus. He was invited as a speaker due to his success as a young entrepreneur known for growing his business. Mr. Siswanto’s ventures are not limited to the information technology sector but have also expanded into the culinary business, as evidenced by the establishment of a restaurant located on Jemursari
Author: Fathurrochman Al Aziz
Photo: Public Relations
Work Unit: Cooperation Division, Vice Rector III