Master of Management Program

Word From Our Head of the Study Program

Master of Management Program (S2)


Master of Management Program (S2) of Schools of Economics of Indonesia (STIESIA) becomes a holder of academic education which create an innovative and competitive S2 professional expert of management with both nationally and internationally standard.


Holding a teaching and learning process with some supports of:

  • Adaptive curriculum on changes, suitable with competency standard and stakeholders’ need

  • Competent lecturers and education staffs

  • Conducive academic atmosphere

  • Proper facilities

Holding a creative, innovative, and applicable research in order to develop applicable knowledge which beneficial to the society

Holding a fulfilment of social responsibility which optimally through real action in the form of public service

Accreditation: UNGGUL (EXCELLENT)

Based on LAMEMBA decision 1471/DE/A.S/AR,10/VIII/2024, it is declared that the Master of Management Program at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Surabaya has been awarded an “UNGGUL” accreditation.


To develop competence and skill of solving accounting problems with professional approach and scientific reason. Moreover, it gives more preparation in order to continue for higher degree of accounting, i.e. Doctorate of Management

Scope and Limitation

In order to prepare human resources who are able to take challenges for some changes through professional approach and scientific reason, this study program limited its scope as follow:

  • Human Resources Management
  • Finance Management
  • Marketing Management

Refresher Course

Every students are expected to follow this kind of course, which consist of:

  • Management
  • Business Statistics
  • Economy Theory
  • Acccounting

It is applied for one month (each course has 4 session)


It was held a Guest Lecture and Visitation program, company visit either in Indonesia or abroad

Graduates Profile

Graduates of S2 Management Study Program have some qualifications as follow:

Apa Kata Alumni