Accounting Professional Educational Program

Accounting Professional Educational Program


Accounting Professional Educational Program of Schools of Economics of Indonesia (STIESIA) becomes a holder of professional education which create a reliable and dignified accountant with both nationally and internationally standard in 2021.


Holding a teaching and learning process with some supports of:

  • Competency and needs of stakeholders
  • Competent lecturer and educational staff
  • Conducive atmosphere
  • Properly facilities

Holding a creative, innovative, and applicable research in order to develop applicable knowledge which beneficial to the society

Holding a fulfilment of social responsibility which optimally through real action in the form of public service

Accreditation: B

This was according to National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education of Department of National Education of Republic of Indonesia No. 597/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PPAk/VI/2015 pada tanggal 27-06-2015


  1. Improving the good image of the PPAk Study Program in the community;
  2. Improve the quality of graduate accountants;
  3. Improving professional competence of lecturers to support the learning process;
  4. Developing academic culture;
  5. Enhance cooperation, strategic alliances, and networking with professional association organizations;
  6. Monitor the position and role of alumni in the community through tracer studies.


Produce accountants who are broad-minded, have high competence and integrity to the profession, as well as professional ethics.


Semester 1
1.     Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum Komersial. (3 SKS) *
2.     Etika Bisnis dan Profesi. (3 SKS) *
3.     Pasar Modal dan Manjemen Keuangan. (3 SKS) *
4.     Perpajakan. (3 SKS) *
5.     Pelaporan dan akuntansi Keuangan. (3 SKS) *

Semester 2
1.     Akuntansi manjemen dan Biaya. (3 SKS) *
2.     Praktik audit. (3 SKS) *
3.     Akuntansi dan Pengauditan sektor publik. (3 SKS)
4.     Pengauditan Internal. (3 SKS)

* merupakan pengembangan kurikulum Komite Evaluasi dan rekomendasi Pendidikan Profesi akuntansi (KERPPA)