Strategy and Operational Planning
In August 2020, the Academic Senate Meeting of the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) approved and ratified the Strategic Plan (Renstra) for STIESIA Surabaya for the years 2020-2024.
This strategic plan is the third stage developed continuously from the 2016-2020 STIESIA Strategic Plan. The 2020-2024 STIESIA Strategic Plan outlines STIESIA’s strategic objectives and targets as the theme for program development, the main programs (Action Plan), and their targets (Action Plan – Goal), accompanied by documents containing performance indicators for the strategic plan’s achievement as the primary reference for the preparation and implementation of the annual work program.
The 2020-2024 STIESIA Strategic Plan was developed based on the philosophy: “Take the first step with the right footing, so that every subsequent step will lead in the right direction to reach the goal.” Based on this philosophy, the preparation of the STIESIA Strategic Plan was carried out earnestly and carefully through a review process as a backward-tracing effort of self-evaluation analysis regarding targets and changes in both internal and external environments.
To inspire all unit leaders at STIESIA to achieve STIESIA’s vision, mission, and objectives, the 2020-2024 STIESIA Strategic Plan is also founded on the credo “STIESIA is an Institution that Inspires, Enlightens, Motivates, Cares, and Empowers.” With this credo, it is hoped that the transformation of STIESIA from a good university to a great university will accelerate by 2021. Guided by the 2012-2016 Strategic Plan, through gradual and consistent management, it is expected that by 2024, STIESIA will position itself as an international-standard higher education institution.
All study programs, technical service units, and other working units at STIESIA are required to use the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan as the main reference in performing their management functions or as a guide for formulating work programs in the annual operational plan.
For further details, download the Master Development Plan (RENIP) and Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) From link below: