400 STIESIA Students Attend Thesis Program Briefing

SURABAYA (stiesia.ac.id) – A total of 400 students from Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) participated in a briefing for the thesis program for undergraduate students of the 2024/2025 Academic Year on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at Hall 2, STIESIA Surabaya.

The students attending the thesis program briefing came from the undergraduate programs in Accounting and Management. These students included both those from the regular morning classes and those from the evening or employee classes.

Present at the briefing were Dr. Ikhsan Budi Rihardjo, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., Vice Chairman for Academic Affairs, Dr. Suwitho, M.Si., Head of the Management Undergraduate Program, and Dr. Wahidahwati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., Head of the Accounting Undergraduate Program.

This thesis program briefing is regularly conducted as preparatory guidance for students who have met the requirements to undertake the thesis program.

The briefing session, which started at 18:00 WIB, was conducted in an interactive manner, allowing students time to ask questions.

In his briefing, Dr. Ikhsan Budi, the academic supervisor, advised students undertaking the thesis program to remain focused and diligent in their work. Additionally, students were urged to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the thesis handbook that had been distributed to them.

Dr. Ikhsan, commonly known as Pak Ikhsan, also reminded students to maintain respectful behavior and to show consideration toward their thesis advisors. This, he emphasized, would help minimize miscommunication between students and their thesis supervisors.

Author: Septian Bagas R.P.
Editor: Fathurrochman Al Aziz
Photo: Public Relations of STIESIA


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