Researching the Performance of School Supervisors, Sukirman Earns the 160th Doctorate in Management Science from STIESIA

SURABAYA ( – Sukirman has successfully earned the title of Doctor in Management Science, becoming the 160th doctoral graduate produced by the Doctoral Program in Management Science (PDIM) at STIESIA Surabaya.

This achievement was marked by his successful defense of his dissertation during an open examination held at the Borneo Room of Graha Widya Bhakti STIESIA Surabaya on November 26, 2024.

Sukirman’s dissertation defense was assessed by an examination panel consisting of Dr. Agusteddi, MS, Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.S., Dr. Suwitho, M.Si., Dr. Suhermin, S.E., M.M., and Prof. Dr. Mts. Arief, M.M., MBA., CPM. (an external examiner from Binus University, Jakarta).

The performance of school supervisors is still suboptimal.” Sukirman stated. He further elaborated, “The variables influencing performance include competence, work experience, and achievement motivation as a moderating factor.

According to data from the Riau Provincial Education Office in 2022, 41.47% of school supervisors failed to submit their reports on time, while 58.53% provided complete supervision reports.

Dissertation Focus

Sukirman’s dissertation, titled “The Influence of Competence and Work Experience on the Performance of School Supervisors with Achievement Motivation as a Moderator,” had three main objectives:

To examine and analyze the influence of competence and work experience on the performance of high school/vocational school supervisors in Riau Province.

To analyze the moderating role of achievement motivation in the relationship between competence, work experience, and the performance of school supervisors.

To assess the direct influence of achievement motivation on the performance of school supervisors in the region.


Contributions and Findings

Sukirman highlighted the theoretical and practical contributions of his research. Theoretically, his study contributes to the Human Capital Theory, particularly in developing a model linking competence, work experience, achievement motivation, and performance. Practically, the findings provide insights for improving the performance of civil servants, specifically school supervisors in Riau Province, and offer recommendations for policymakers.

His study introduced two key novelties:

  1. The research model positions achievement motivation as a moderating variable in the relationship between competence, work experience, and performance.
  2. It further develops the concept of achievement motivation to enhance employee performance.

The study concluded that competence and work experience significantly and positively influence the performance of high school/vocational school supervisors in Riau Province. However, achievement motivation does not moderate the relationship between competence, work experience, and performance. Instead, it acts as a homologiser or potential moderator, not interacting with predictor variables or significantly influencing the dependent variable.


Based on his findings, Sukirman recommended the following:

  • For school supervisors: Enhance competencies, particularly in motivating and influencing others, through training, habituation, and good practices.
  • For the Provincial Education Office: Facilitate competency improvement for civil servants, particularly school supervisors, through training programs and raise the minimum qualification to a master’s degree.
  • For policymakers: Formulate policies that encourage the enhancement of competencies, work experience, and achievement motivation to improve the performance of school supervisors.

This dissertation underscores the importance of developing comprehensive strategies to address the challenges faced by school supervisors and improve their overall performance.



Author: Fathurrochman Al Aziz

Photo: Public Relations STIESIA

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