STIESIA Campus Ambassador 2025: A Platform to Develop Student Potential, Creativity, and Intellectuality

SURABAYA (–Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya Hosts Campus Ambassador 2025 Selection. From January 10–14, 2025, STIESIA Surabaya held its prestigious annual event: the selection of STIESIA Campus Ambassadors 2025.

Prof. Dr. Triyonowati, M.Si., Chairperson of the 2025 STIESIA Campus Ambassador Selection Committee, expressed her hopes that this event will become a regular annual tradition at the institution.

“Our hope is that this event will not only aim to identify outstanding students who can represent the campus but also serve as a platform to develop the potential, creativity, and intellectual abilities of our students,” Said Prof. Dr. Triyonowati, M.Si., .

In the grand final held yesterday, the selection process narrowed down to 12 female and 12 male finalists from STIESIA Surabaya who met the criteria set by the judging panel. From these 12 pairs, Mochammad Ichsan Ali Wafi, a 2022 Accounting student, and Putri Ayu Melinda, a 2023 Management student, were crowned as STIESIA Campus Ambassadors 2025.

Additionally, winners for second and third place, as well as the most favorite pair on social media, were also announced. (Refer to the table of winners below).

In her address, Prof. Dr. Triyonowati, M.Si., reiterated her hope that the competition would produce Campus Ambassadors who are not only intelligent and talented but also capable of inspiring others. “The STIESIA Campus Ambassador Selection represents the spirit of togetherness, courage, and responsibility to make tangible contributions to both the campus and the wider community,” said Prof. Triyonowati, M.Si., who also serves as the Vice Chair for Student Affairs and Collaboration at STIESIA.

The STIESIA Campus Ambassador Selection represents the spirit of togetherness, courage, and responsibility to make tangible contributions to both the campus and the wider community

Prof. Triyonowati, M.Si
Chairperson of the 2025 STIESIA Campus Ambassador Selection Committee

“To the finalists, I would like to remind you that victory is not the sole objective. The experience, learning process, and the spirit to keep growing are far more valuable,” conveyed Prof. Dr. Triyonowati, M.Si.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Triyonowati, M.Si., also expressed her gratitude for the full support of Perpendiknas, the legal entity managing STIESIA Surabaya.

Special appreciation was also extended to the resource persons and judges, including Dr. Emeralda Ayu Kusuma, S.Sos., M.Si (Perpendiknas), Dr. Endri Haryati, S.E., M.Si (Angkasa Avia), Sulistyo Budi Utomo, BBA., MA., Ph.D. (STIESIA Surabaya), and F. Ndaru from ACE Human Development. Gratitude was also expressed to the main sponsors—Angkasa Avia Aviation Training Institute, Salon–Spa–Makeup Muslimah SALIHA Surabaya, PIXY by Mandom, ACE Human Resources—along with other partners and participants who persevered until the final stage of this event.

“Just so you know, the students participating in the STIESIA 2025 Campus Ambassador program have gone through a very rigorous selection process by the judges. Starting from the registration stage, administrative selection, written tests and interviews, training and briefing, to the final judging or selection followed by the announcement of the winners.”

Results of the STIESIA Surabaya Campus Ambassador Election 2025 :

Campus Ambassadors of STIESIA Surabaya:

  • Mochammad Ichsan Ali Wafi (2210190567)
  • Putri Ayu Melinda (2310290790)

1st Runners-Up:

  • Ichfranu Riszaldyansa (2210290570)
  • Maria Puani Castro Cembes (2310190732)

2nd Runners-Up:

  • Joshua Sean Alexander (2310302203)
  • Jingga Eka Putri Setiawan (2210190557)

Social Media Favorites:

  • Anjas Ardiansyah (2310290769)
  • Levina Febyanti (2210290454)


Writer: Fathurrochman Al Aziz

Photographer: STIESIA Public Relations

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