61st Graduation Ceremony Ahead of 53rd Anniversary, STIESIA Sets Targets on Reframing and Transforming Towards “Research University”

SURABAYA (stiesia.ac.id) – On Saturday, January 18, 2025, STIESIA Surabaya held an open senate meeting for the 61st graduation ceremony of the second period of the 2023/2024 academic year at the STIESIA Hall. This graduation ceremony was attended by 375 graduates from various study programs, including 34 graduates from the Diploma-3 Accounting program, 19 from the Diploma-3 Tax Management program, 116 from the Bachelor’s Accounting program, 124 from the Bachelor’s Management program, 17 from the Master’s Accounting program, 3 from the Master’s Management program, 41 from the Accounting Profession Education program, and 21 from the Doctoral Management Science program. With this 61st graduation, STIESIA, which will celebrate its 53rd anniversary on April 20, 2025, has now produced a total of 28,396 graduates.

In her address to the graduates and attendees, STIESIA Surabaya Chairperson, Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA, reaffirmed the institution’s strong commitment to realizing the second-phase milestone (2025-2029) as a research university. Accordingly, the upcoming Dies Natalis celebration will carry the theme: “Reframing and Transforming of STIESIA Towards an Excellent Research University.”

Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik elaborated that Reframing refers to the process of shifting perspectives to view situations more positively. “This allows us to identify opportunities amid challenges and turn failures into stepping stones for success,” she explained.

Meanwhile, Transforming, as further emphasized by Prof. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, represents a concrete step in restructuring university governance to drive innovation and institutional advancement.

“Reframing” refers to the process of shifting perspectives to interpret situations more positively. This approach enables individuals to identify opportunities amid challenges and transform failures into stepping stones for success. Meanwhile, “Transforming” signifies a concrete effort to restructure university governance, fostering innovation and institutional development.

Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA

Chairperson of STIESIA Surabaya


It is worth noting that the National Competitiveness target set in the second milestone (2020-2024) has been successfully achieved. Among these accomplishments is STIESIA’s ranking at 78th place in the 2020 Indonesian Higher Education Clustering assessment.

STIESIA secured 1st place in the Anugerah Kampus Unggul (AKU) award for the Best Higher Education Institution in the College Category in 2020 and 2021, as determined by LLDikti Region VII East Java. In 2022, STIESIA achieved 2nd place in the AKU award for Higher Education Institutions with the Best Reporting Quality.

This tradition of excellence continued in 2023 and 2024, with STIESIA once again securing 1st place in the AKU award for Higher Education Institutions with the Best Reporting Quality. Additionally, in 2023, STIESIA achieved 2nd place in the category of Higher Education Institutions with the Most Collaborations

Out of eight study programs, six have received the “Unggul” (Excellent) accreditation from BAN-PT and LAMEMBA, namely: Diploma-3 in Accounting, Diploma-3 in Tax Management, Bachelor’s in Accounting, Bachelor’s in Management, Master’s in Accounting, and Master’s in Management.

Meanwhile, the Doctoral Program in Management Science holds a “Baik Sekali” (Very Good) accreditation, and the Accounting Profession Education Program is accredited B by BAN-PT.

In terms of international collaboration, STIESIA has established strong partnerships with both public and private universities abroad, including Phuket Rajabhat University (Thailand), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (Malaysia), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Tatung University (Taiwan), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), Griffith University (Australia), and Shandong Xiehe University (China).

During the ceremony, the top-performing students from various programs—including Diploma-3 in Accounting, Diploma-3 in Tax Management, Bachelor’s in Accounting, Bachelor’s in Management, Master’s in Accounting, and Doctoral Program in Management Science—were also announced. (See the list of outstanding students below.)

Previously, Prof. Dr. Dyah Safitri, S.E., M.M., Head of the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti) Region VII East Java, extended her congratulations to the graduates. She emphasized the importance of creativity and innovation in navigating real-world challenges.

“This is crucial. We hope that our graduates can maximize their strengths and opportunities to achieve success. Never complain—complaining signifies an inability to overcome challenges,” stated Prof. Dyah Safitri.

Representing the graduates, Yetty Fitria Suprapto, a Master’s in Management graduate, delivered a speech expressing gratitude to all stakeholders, including Perpendiknas administrators, STIESIA leadership, faculty members, and academic staff who supported the learning process.

“Thank you to everyone at STIESIA who has always been supportive and cheerful in assisting us,” said Yetty, a mother of six.

“To the new graduates of Diploma-3 or Bachelor’s programs, if you join Bank Jatim, you will eventually meet me, as I am one of the assessors for new employees at Bank Jatim,” said the Vice President of the Fund & Services Division at PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur, Tbk.

Among the Doctoral (S3) graduates in Management Science in this graduation ceremony were Dr. Suli Daim, a member of the East Java Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), and Dr. Yoesoep Edhie Rachmad, a Research Professor at UN ECOSOC, who was recognized as one of the top graduates.

Following the Asmara Putri Kirana dance performance by members of the STIESIA Dance Student Activity Unit (UKM Tari), the Chairperson of Perpendiknas Surabaya, Dra. Endang Dwi Retnani, SE, M.Si, Ak., CA., delivered a speech, reminding graduates to stay connected with the campus through CCETS and to serve as STIESIA ambassadors, upholding the reputation of their alma mater.

Before the event was concluded with a prayer, the UKM Choir team surprised the audience with a special performance. Jeniza Alzeira Simoes Lopes, one of the choir members and an international student from East Timor, performed a duet with STIESIA Chairperson Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik. Together, they sang the song “Pelanggaran,” originally performed by the popular Javanese and koplo singer-songwriter Deni Setiawan, known by his stage name Denny Caknan. (Check out the graduation ceremony atmosphere on STIESIA Surabaya’s YouTube account)

The atmosphere lightened, with some graduates even swaying to the rhythm. The duet between Prof. Nur Fadjrih and Jeniza Alzeira Simoes Lopes ended on a high note, receiving applause from everyone present.


Daftar Mahasiswa Berprestasi Wisuda Ke-61 STIESIA Surabaya

Jurusan Predikat Nama Lulusan   IPK
D3 Akuntansi IPK Tertinggi dan Masa Studi Tercepat Laelatul Hidayah, A.Md.Ak. 3,94
D3 Manajemen Perpajakan IPK Tertinggi Mega Yeshikha Kwelju, A.Md.M. 3,88
Masa Studi Tercepat Putra Erlangga, A.Md.M. 3,75
S1 Akuntansi IPK Tertinggi Auril Tri Andrianti, S.Ak. 3,72
Masa Studi Tercepat Hafidh Fairuz Maulana Ilham, S.Ak. 3,71
S1 Manajemen IPK Tertinggi Makhris Nur Lailiya, S.M. 3,88
Masa Studi Tercepat Virgi Maharani, S.M. 3,77
S2 Akuntansi IPK Tertinggi Aloysia Rafaela Djeen, M.Ak. 3,86
Masa Studi Tercepat Fransiska Trisyami Irmayati Subu, M.Ak. 3,79
S3 Ilmu Manajemen IPK Tertinggi & Masa Studi Tercepat Dr. Yoesoep Edhie Rachmad 3,97


Writer : Fathurrochman Al Aziz

Photo    : Humas

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