Institutional Achievement


In 2020, the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya achieved an "Baik Sekali" institutional accreditation awarded by BAN-PT, as stated in BAN-PT Decree No. 316/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/PT/VI/2020.

At the 2024 LLDIKTI Region VII East Java meeting, STIESIA successfully received award as the number 1st for Best Reports

During the 2023 Leadership Work Meeting and the LLDIKTI Region VII East Java, STIESIA successfully received two awards: 1st place for Best Reporting and 2nd place for Most Higher Education Collaborations.

At 2022 LLDIKTI Region VII East Java, awarded STIESIA in 2nd place as higher education with "Best Report"

In 2012, 2020, and 2021, in accordance with the decision of LLDIKTI Region VII, STIESIA was ranked as the Best School of Higher Education in East Java.

Di samping itu, STIESIA juga mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Perguruan Tinggi urutan ke-78 hasil klusterisasi Perguruan Tinggi se Indonesia (kurang lebih 4000 perguruan tinggi se-Indonesia) oleh KEMRISTEKDIKTI.