Words From Our Head of Program
D3 Accounting Profile
D3 Accounting study program of Schools of Economics of Indonesia (STIESIA) becomes a holder of vocational education which create a competitive, reliable, and dignified of Diploma 3 professional expert of accounting, with both nationally and internationally standard in 2021.
Holding a teaching and learning process with some supports of:
Adaptive curriculum on changes, suitable with competency standard and stakeholders’ need
Competent lecturers and education staffs
Conducive academic atmosphere
Proper facilities
Holding a creative, innovative, and applicable research in order to develop applicable knowledge which beneficial to the society
Holding a fulfilment of social responsibility which optimally through real action in the form of public service
To create human resources with diploma 3 competence of Accounting who have some criteria as follow:
Understand the basic concept of economy theory, business management, taxation, and auditing
Able to count fixed cost and arrange financial statement of companies which offer service, goods, and manufacture
Have a skill of taxation, auditing, and arranging financial statement of companies which offer service, goods, and manufacture
Board of Directors at D3 Accounting
Profil: Pendidikan Akademik: S1 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Malangkucecwara S2 Universitas Diponegoro Profesi Universitas Diponegoro S3 Universitas Diponegoro Bidang Keahlian: Akuntansi Publikasi Penelitian…
Accredited ``UNGGUL``
Based on the decree of BAN-PT No. 12694/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/Dipi-III/XI/2021, it is declared that the Accounting Study Program at the Diploma-III Program of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya, Surabaya City, has been accredited ``UNGGUL``.
D3 Accounting Curriculum
Course | SKS |
Pendidikan Agama | 3 SKS |
Bahasa Indonesia | 3 SKS |
English For Business I |
2 SKS |
Matematika Bisnis | 3 SKS |
Ekonomi Mikro | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi Pengantar | 3 SKS |
Pendidikan Pancasila | 3 SKS |
Total: 21 SKS
Courses | SKS |
Manajemen | 3 SKS |
English For Business Communication | 3 SKS |
Kewirausahaan | 2 SKS |
Praktikum Akuntansi Pengantar | 3 SKS |
Hukum Bisnis | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi Biaya | 3 SKS |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | 3 SKS |
Total: 23 SKS
Courses | SKS |
Perpajakan | 3 SKS |
Statistik Deskriptif | 2 SKS |
Praktikum Kewirausahaan | 3 SKS |
Bisnis Pengantar | 3 SKS |
Pengauditan | 3 SKS |
Praktikum Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah | 3 SKS |
Praktikum Akuntansi Biaya | 3 SKS |
Manajemen Keuangan | 3 SKS |
Total : 23 SKS
Courses | SKS |
Praktikum Perpajakan | 3 SKS |
Metode Penulisan Laporan | 3 SKS |
Sistem Informasi Akuntansi | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi Kepemerintahan | 3 SKS |
Digital Accounting for Business | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi Manajemen | 3 SKS |
Total : 21 SKS
Courses | SKS |
PKL/Magang | 3 SKS |
Akuntansi dan Keuangan Syariah | 3 SKS |
Praktikum Akuntansi Pemerintah Daerah | 3 SKS |
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Audit | 3 SKS |
Etika Bisnis dan Profesi | 3 SKS |
Analisis Laporan Keuangan | 3 SKS |
Total : 18 SKS
Courses | SKS |
Tugas Akhir | 4 SKS |
Total : 4 SKS
Flow of Curriculum
Download D3 Accounting’s Flow of Curriculum Here
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