Higher Education Clustering 2025: LP2M STIESIA Maintains Leading Cluster Performance for Three Consecutive Years

SURABAYA (stiesia.ac.id) – The Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M) of STIESIA Surabaya has been designated as a leading cluster higher education institution based on research and community service performance, according to the Decree of the Director of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM) Number: 1114/E5/PG.02.00/2024, dated December 4, 2024.

Dr. Nur Laily, M.Si, Head of LP2M STIESIA Surabaya, stated that this leading cluster achievement has been achieved for three consecutive years, namely the academic years (TA) 2021-2022, (TA) 2022-2023, and (TA) 2023-2024. This success is the result of close collaboration between LP2M and all faculty members, the leadership of STIESIA, and Perpendiknas as the legal entity managing STIESIA.

Dr. Nur Laily expressed appreciation and gratitude for the support in achieving this cluster ranking to Perpendiknas, STIESIA leadership, and all faculty members who have been involved in research and community service activities, publishing scientific works in national and international journals, registering intellectual property rights (HKI), and writing books.

This achievement is expected to motivate the academic community at STIESIA to continue improving the quality of research and community service, as well as contribute significantly to the advancement of science and technology both nationally and internationally.

Meanwhile, the President of STIESIA Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., stated that the re-designation of STIESIA as a leading university based on research and community service performance is in line with the second milestone as a Research University (2025-2029) within the framework of the Master Plan for Development (Renip), which outlines the next 25 years of programs for Indonesia’s Golden Vision.

It is worth noting that this clustering is based on the performance data of higher education institutions processed via SINTA (Science and Technology Index) for the period 2021-2023.

The performance data taken into account includes verified and validated data by the verifiers of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of higher education institutions, covering authorship, affiliation, articles, research, community service, intellectual property rights, and books.

Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Faiz Syuaib, M.Agr., Director of Research, Technology, and Community Service, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, emphasized that clustering is not a ranking, but a classification of universities based on their performance qualifications, which serves as the foundation for creating a research roadmap and strategic plan, as well as determining the authority for managing research and community service in universities. “The list of universities in the cluster appendix is arranged alphabetically and does not indicate a ranking or score,” said Prof. Faiz Syuaib.

The measurement results of university performance data for the 2025 higher education clustering can be accessed via the Metrics Cluster menu on university profiles at https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/  or the operator menu at https://bima.kemdikbud.go.id/.

“Hopefully, the implementation of research and community service will continue to improve and enhance the performance of all higher education institutions,” concluded Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Faiz Syuaib.

Author : Fathurrochman Al Aziz

Picture  : stiesia.ac.id/lp2m

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