Thursday, on July 9th, 2020 STIESIA Surabaya arranged by International and Domestic Affairs signed Memorandum of Understanding with PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Kantor Wilayah XII Surabaya. STIESIA Surabaya consistently increases the number of cooperation in order to develop resources. The ceremony of MoU signing directly attended by The head of PERPENDIKNAS and the trustee, The Leaders of STIESIA, The head of Accounting and Management Study Program either Undergraduate, Postgraduate, or Doctoral, The head of Student Affairs, The head of International and Domestic Affairs, President Director of PT. Graha Widya Bhakti, and from the side of PT. Pegadaian Wilayah XII Surabaya directly attended by Regional Leader of PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Kantor Wilayah XII Surabaya, Supriyanto, S.E., M.M, and his staff.
The memorandum of Understanding signed by STIESIA Surabaya represented by The President of STIESIA, Associate Professor Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik and PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Kantor Wilayah XII Surabaya represented by Supriyanto, S.E., M.M as Regional Leader. STIESIA Surabaya and PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Kantor Wilayah XII Surabaya commit to have collaboration in the field of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi such as Education and Development, Research, and Public Services. The scopes of collaboration are focused on Human Resource development for both parties, Workshop/Seminar, Keynote Speaker, Access for lecturers and students to do research, campus hiring/internship, and provide capital access for UMKM fostered by STIESIA.
Hopefully, this cooperation gives positive benefits for both parties and the cooperation can be carried out and developed continuously