Accounting Professional Educational Program
Our Head of Programs
Dr. Kurnia, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CPA., CA
Lydia Setyawardani, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA
Accounting Professional Educational Program of Schools of Economics of Indonesia (STIESIA) becomes a holder of professional education which create a reliable and dignified accountant with both nationally and internationally standard in 2021.
Holding a teaching and learning process with some supports of:
- Competency and needs of stakeholders
- Competent lecturer and educational staff
- Conducive atmosphere
- Properly facilities
Holding a creative, innovative, and applicable research in order to develop applicable knowledge which beneficial to the society
Holding a fulfilment of social responsibility which optimally through real action in the form of public service
Accreditation: B
This was according to National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education of Department of National Education of Republic of Indonesia No. 597/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PPAk/VI/2015 pada tanggal 27-06-2015
- Improving the good image of the PPAk Study Program in the community;
- Improve the quality of graduate accountants;
- Improving professional competence of lecturers to support the learning process;
- Developing academic culture;
- Enhance cooperation, strategic alliances, and networking with professional association organizations;
- Monitor the position and role of alumni in the community through tracer studies.
Produce accountants who are broad-minded, have high competence and integrity to the profession, as well as professional ethics.
Semester 1
1. Lingkungan Bisnis dan Hukum Komersial. (3 SKS) *
2. Etika Bisnis dan Profesi. (3 SKS) *
3. Pasar Modal dan Manjemen Keuangan. (3 SKS) *
4. Perpajakan. (3 SKS) *
5. Pelaporan dan akuntansi Keuangan. (3 SKS) *
Semester 2
1. Akuntansi manjemen dan Biaya. (3 SKS) *
2. Praktik audit. (3 SKS) *
3. Akuntansi dan Pengauditan sektor publik. (3 SKS)
4. Pengauditan Internal. (3 SKS)
* merupakan pengembangan kurikulum Komite Evaluasi dan rekomendasi Pendidikan Profesi akuntansi (KERPPA)