Master of Management Program

Word From Our Head of the Study Program

Master of Management Program (S2)

Our Vision

Master of Management Program (S2) of Schools of Economics of Indonesia (STIESIA) becomes a holder of academic education which create an innovative and competitive S2 professional expert of management with both nationally and internationally standard.

Our Mission

Holding a teaching and learning process with some supports of:

  • Adaptive curriculum on changes, suitable with competency standard and stakeholders’ need

  • Competent lecturers and education staffs

  • Conducive academic atmosphere

  • Proper facilities

Holding a creative, innovative, and applicable research in order to develop applicable knowledge which beneficial to the society

Holding a fulfilment of social responsibility which optimally through real action in the form of public service

Our Target

Target To develop competence and skill of solving accounting problems with professional approach and scientific reason. Moreover, it gives more preparation in order to continue for higher degree of accounting, i.e. Doctorate of Management


Based on the LAMEMBA Decree No. 1471/DE/A.S/AR,10/VIII/2024, it is stated that the Master of Management Program at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Surabaya has achieved an ``UNGGUL`` accreditation rating

Our Curriculum

Course SKS
Pemasaran Stratejik I 3 SKS
Metode Kuantitatif Untuk Bisnis 3 SKS
Manajemen Keuangan Korporasi 3 SKS
Isu-Isu Kontemporer Manajemen SDM 3 SKS
Manajemen Stratejik 3 SKS

Total: 15 SKS

Human Resource Management

Courses SKS
Metode Penelitian 3 SKS
Perilaku Organisasi 3 SKS
Manajemen Perusahaan dan Inovasi 3 SKS
Ekonomi Manajerial 3 SKS

Total: 12 SKS

Marketing Management

Courses SKS
Metode Penelitian 3 SKS
Pemasaran Global 3 SKS
Perilaku Konsumen 3 SKS
Ekonomi Manajerial 3 SKS

Total: 12 SKS

Financial Management

Mata Kuliah SKS
Metode Penelitian 3 SKS
Manj. Resiko dan Analisis Portofolio 3 SKS
Manajemen Keuangan Internasional 3 SKS
Ekonomi Manajerial 3 SKS

Total: 12 SKS

Courses SKS
Sistem Informasi Manajemen 3 SKS
Manajemen Operasional dan Fleksibilitas 3 SKS
Manajemen Perbankan Syariah 3 SKS
Business Analytics

Total: 12 SKS

Courses SKS
Thesis 9 SKS

Total: 9 SKS

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