STIESIA and the East Java Provincial Education Office Establish Partnership to Enhance Education Quality

SURABAYA (–Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya and the East Java Provincial Education Office have officially formed a strategic partnership to support the enhancement of education quality in East Java. This collaboration focuses on implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education program, which encompasses education, research, and community service, targeting teachers, educational staff, and high school/vocational school students.

During a meeting at the East Java Provincial Education Office on Wednesday (January 8, 2025), both parties discussed various initiatives aimed at promoting the development of competencies in digital economics, entrepreneurship, and educational management.

The STIESIA team, consisting of Dr. Emeralda Ayu Kusuma, S.Sos., M.Si (Perpendiknas), Dr. Lilis Ardini, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA (Head of the Master’s Program in Accounting), Dr. Wahidahwati, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA (Head of the Bachelor’s Program in Accounting), Rika Rahayu, SM., MBA (Lecturer), Dr. M. Reza Zulfikar, CHRD (Lecturer), expressed their commitment to supporting education in East Java through training programs, academic competitions, and collaborative research.

The collaboration also includes several programs prioritized by the East Java Provincial Education Office, such as the Applied Economics Program for Teachers. “We aim to make a tangible contribution to education, particularly in East Java. The training programs, competitions, and collaborative research are expected to help teachers, educational staff, and students enhance their competencies in line with the demands of the times,” said Emeralda.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the East Java Provincial Education Office, Dr. Suhartono, M.Pd, welcomed the initiative. According to him, this partnership aligns with the Merdeka Belajar policy, as well as the strategic plan (Renstra) and work plan (Renja) of the Education Office.

“We greatly appreciate STIESIA for involving higher education institutions in the development of education. With this program, teachers and educational staff will be better prepared to face the challenges of industry 4.0-based education, while students can hone their creativity and skills,” he said.

Featured Collaboration Programs During the discussions, both parties agreed to further explore several technical programs, including:

  1. Teacher and Educational Staff Training: Training programs such as “Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship in Education,” and the “Applied Economics Program for Teachers.”
  2. Competitions for Students: Activities include business plan competitions, economics debates, and accounting olympiads for high school/vocational school students, in collaboration with the Education Office and STIESIA, to be held at STIESIA.
  3. Research and Development: Collaborative research between STIESIA faculty and teachers in the field of education and the development of industry-based learning modules.
  4. Community Service: Collaborative community service activities between STIESIA lecturers and teachers related to business incubators that can support the education sector.

Through this collaboration, STIESIA and the East Java Provincial Education Office hope to create a more innovative, relevant, and competitive education ecosystem. “The synergy between higher education and the government is key to addressing the challenges of modern education,” concluded the Acting Head of the East Java Provincial Education Office.


Writer/Photo: STIESIA Team

Tags: East Java Provincial Education Office

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