STIESIA Participates in the 12th National Congress of the National Importers Association of Indonesia

SURABAYA ( – The Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya took part in the 12th National Congress (Munas) of the National Importers Association of Indonesia (GINSI), held at JW Marriott Hotel on December 5–6, 2024.

During the congress, two STIESIA Surabaya students from the campus extracurricular unit (UKM) Paskibra were entrusted with carrying the Indonesian flag and the GINSI banner during the opening and closing ceremonies.

The two students, Zahra Alifita Rizki ( and Rangga Putra Mulyadinata (, proudly represented STIESIA in the event.

During the opening ceremony of the 12th National Congress (Munas) of the National Importers Association of Indonesia (GINSI), officiated by the Chairman of the Central Executive Board (BPP) GINSI, Capt. Subandi, the performance of two Paskibra students from STIESIA Surabaya became a highlight for participants from across Indonesia.

Representing STIESIA, Zahra Alifita Rizki and Rangga Putra Mulyadinata, carried the Indonesian flag and the GINSI banner, captivating the attention of the attendees with their precision and professionalism.

Also present as an honored guest at the congress was Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA., Chairman of STIESIA. Leading a private higher education institution that has now surpassed 52 years of excellence, Prof. Nur Fadjrih was seated alongside other VIP attendees.

Among other distinguished guests were prominent figures in the logistics and port industry, including Managing Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) Putut Sri Mulyanto, President Director of PT Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) Ade Hartono, President Director of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Indra Hidayat Sani, Head of Pelindo Regional 3 Ali Sadikin, President Director of Surabaya Container Terminal Wahyu Widodo, President Director of Teluk Lamong Terminal David Sirait, and Executive General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Adi Sugiri.

Additionally, business leaders and representatives from key associations were also in attendance, including Chairman of the Indonesian Loading and Unloading Companies Association (APBMI) Juswandi Kristanto, Chairman of the Indonesian Container Depot Association (ASDEKI) Mustofa Kamal Hamka, and Chairman of the Indonesian Temporary Storage Entrepreneurs Association (APTESINDO) M. Roy Rayadi.

The event was also attended by officials from the East Java chapter of the Indonesian Exporter Companies Association (GPEI), the East Java chapter of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarder Association (ALFI), and the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Organda Branch (DPC).

Dr. Anindhyta Budiarti, SE., MM, a lecturer and Head of the Customs Center at STIESIA, is also an executive member of GINSI.

Throughout the 12th GINSI National Congress, various booths from different institutions were set up. Notably, the only higher education institution to participate with a booth was STIESIA Surabaya.



Author: Fathurrochman Al Aziz

Photo: STIESIA Student Affairs Department

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