STIESIA Surabaya’s PKM Team Conducts Technical Guidance on Creating BPD Performance Reports in Candi District, Sidoarjo


SIDOARJO ( – The Community Service Team (PkM) from the Indonesian School of Economics (STIESIA), in collaboration with the Candi District Office in Sidoarjo, conducted a capacity-building activity for the Village Consultative Body (BPD) through a Technical Guidance (bimtek) session.

This event was held at the Candi District Meeting Room, Sidoarjo on Sunday, November 10, 2024. It was attended by BPD members from 24 villages in the Candi District.

The team, consisting of Mrs. Lydia Setyawardani, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, Mrs. Dra. Endah Sulistyowati, MSA., Ak., CA, Mr. Agung Kristiawan, S.E., MSA., Ak, Mrs. Ratna Nugraheni, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, and Mr. Erry Himawan, S.Pt., MM, explained the importance of report creation and the correct format for filling them out.

One of the speakers, Mr. Erry Himawan, explained that there are about 14 documents involved in preparing the BPD report. However, the specific documents filled out depend on the summary of activities that have been carried out by each village. He emphasized the importance of BPD members being more disciplined in preparing these reports as they are crucial for evaluating the implementation of programs within the village.

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