Tax Management Program of UKI Jakarta Benchmarks Against D3 Tax Management Program at STIESIA

SURABAYA-Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya menjadi kampus rujukan bagi perguruan tinggi swasta lain. Kali ini, STIESIA menjadi pilihan Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Jakarta untuk melakukan benchmarking atau studi banding, Rabu, 7 Agustus 2024.

Dalam benchmarking yang dilaksanakan secara online atau daring ini, pihak UKI Jakarta terlihat begitu antusias menggali berbagai informasi tentang program studi Diploma 3 Manajemen Perpajakan STIESIA yang telah terakreditasi Unggul.

Beberapa pertanyaan yang dilontarkan seperti terkait pengembangan kurikulum yang ada di Prodi D3 Manajemen Perpajakan seperti penerapan kurikulum Outcome-Based Education (OBE). “Kami ingin mengetahui tentang pengembangan kurikulum yang dilakukan Prodi D3 Manajemen Perpajakan STIESIA apakah sudah menerapkan OBE?,” tanya Rudy Sondang Sinaga, S.Pd., S.E., M.M, Ketua Prodi Manajemen Pajak UKI Jakarta.

Adventus M. R. Lumban Batu, S.K.M., M.Kes, Wakil Dekan Fakultas Vokasi, juga mengajukan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana strategi Prodi D3 Manajemen Perpajakan STIESIA Surabaya bisa terakreditasi Unggul. “Kami ingin tahu STIESIA ini bisa mendapat akreditasi Unggul khususnya Prodi D3 Manajemen Perpajakannya,” ujar Adventus dengan penuh semangat.

In turn, the Chairperson of STIESIA, Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, along with Vice Chair II, Prof. Fidiana, MSA—who previously served as Head of the Diploma 3 Tax Management Program—and the current Head of the Diploma 3 Tax Management Program, Dr. Dewi Urip Wahyuni, S.Pd., S.E., M.Pd., M.M., provided comprehensive explanations.

“To achieve Unggul accreditation, it must start from the top, such as through a master plan and strategic plans that already accommodate the latest regulations. If these are not updated, the units will continue to adhere to outdated regulations,” explained Prof. Nur Fadjrih.

The discussion proceeded in a lively and engaging manner, culminating in the presentation of certificates of appreciation to Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, Chairperson of STIESIA; Prof. Fidiana, MSA, Vice Chair II; and Dr. Dewi Urip Wahyuni, S.Pd., S.E., M.Pd., M.M., Head of the Diploma 3 Tax Management Program.

Before closing the event, Prof. Nur Fadjrih expressed hope that this benchmarking initiative would not end here. “Perhaps in the future, we can arrange an in-person meeting, either with UKI Jakarta visiting Surabaya or us traveling to Jakarta,” stated Prof. Fadjrih.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Maksimus Bisa, S.K.M., SSt.Ft., M.Fis., Dean of the Faculty of Vocational Studies at UKI Jakarta, expressed his delight at choosing STIESIA for this benchmarking activity. He conveyed his admiration for STIESIA, emphasizing that it is not an ordinary institution.

“All of its study programs are accredited as Excellent. I hope this benchmarking initiative will not stop here but can lead to further collaborations, such as Cooperation Agreements (PKS), and other partnerships. This would enable us to learn even more from STIESIA and apply it within the Vocational Faculty of UKI Jakarta,” stated Dr. Maksimus Bisa.

Not only did the leadership of the D3 Tax Management Program of the Vocational Faculty at UKI Jakarta participate in the benchmarking session, but key officials from the dean’s office also joined. Among them were Agung Catur Seputro, S.E. (Head of Vocational Administrative Affairs), Rosintan Milana Napitupulu, S.K.M., M.K.M. (Coordinator of GPM-FV UKI), and Dely Maria Panggabean, M.Kep Sp.Kep (Coordinator of P3M-FV UKI).

Additionally, representatives from the Tax Management Program included Lenny Panggabean, S.E., Ak., M.Ak., Swanto Sirait, S.E., M.Ak., Ak., Milko Hutabarat, S.E., S.H., M.Si., Drs. Jisman M. Lubis, S.E., M.M., Fransiskus Frengki Pareira, S.Tr.Pa., and Jesica L.N.H., A.Md.Bns.

From STIESIA, the event was attended by the Chairperson of STIESIA, Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA, along with the three Vice Chairs and the leadership team of the Diploma 3 Tax Management Program. This included Dr. Dewi Urip Wahyuni, S.Pd., S.E., M.Pd., M.M. (Head of the Diploma 3 Tax Management Program), Hermono Widiarto, S.E., M.M. (Secretary of the Diploma 3 Tax management Program), Dr. David Efendi, S.E., M.Si. (Head of the Diploma 3 Program), and Ulfa Setija Iswara, S.E., M.A. (Secretary of the Diploma 3 Accounting Program).

Author: Fathurrochman Al Aziz
Photo: Public Relations of STIESIA

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