On May, 24 2022, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between STIESIA Surabaya and PT. BPD East Java, Tbk branch office of DR. Soetomo had been made. This cooperation was based on the implementation of Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the Development of Human Resources consisting of the scope of Education and Development, Research, and Public Service. Meanwhile, this event was held in Hall 2, Graha Widya Bhakti STIESIA.
It started with the opening speech by Dra. Endang Dwi Retnani, M.Si., Ak., CA as the Head of Perpendiknas, and continued by the MoU signing which was represented by Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA as the President of STIESIA Surabaya with Sri Handayani Wilujeng as the Head of PT. Bank Jatim branch office of Dr. Soetomo. The event was finally ended by giving of plaque from STIESIA Surabaya to PT. Bank Jatim branch office of Dr. Soetomo, and the other way around. Last but not least, there was a photo session between the two of them.