Institution of Research and Community Service of STIESIA Surabaya recently held seminar in title “ Trics and Strategies of Arranging Research and Public Service Proposal of HIBAH DIKTI, fiscal year 2022”. This event was on Monday, October, 06 2021 and located at Post Graduate Building. Moreover, the moderator was Dr. Nur Laily, M.Si (Head of LPPM) with presenter namely Dr. Sc. Agr. Ir. Didik Sulistyo, M.Sc who was one of the national research reviewers.
The seminar was by online which used zoom and followed by reguler and non-regular lecturers of STIESIA Surabaya. Through this seminar, participant got material of having good and proper research and also public service in order to publish them at national or International jurnal.
While, the aim of this event was to increase lecturers’ motivation and competence in writing and publishing the research’s finding in the form of good and qualified articles. Furthermore, it also determined their competence in publishing scientific research within International journal which had Scopus-index.