Ikatan Alumni of STIESIA Surabaya (IKA-STIESIA) held an event of alumni meeting STIESIA Surabaya with two main agendas, namely Massive Reunion and the Fifth Congress of IKA-STIESIA. This regular event under the theme “Whatever You Are Now, We Were Students” was delayed event due to the pandemic of Covid-19.
Furthermore, the congress was held on Thursday, September the first 2022 at Hall 2 STIESIA Surabaya. The aim of it was to strengthen the organization, i.e. IKA Alumni by choosing the management and arranging the working program. The agenda of this event was to power the organization and its principles in order to give a real contribution from alumni within the organization. Moreover, the congress was led by the head of the congress, Drs. Achmad Djuraidi, M.Si. accompanied by the head of the event, Dr. Wahidahwati, S.E., M.So., Ak., CA; the General Head of IKA STIESIA 2017-2020, Dr. Suwardi bambang herwanto, M.M., Ak.,CA; and the representative of alumni Dr.Ikhsan Budi Riharjo,SE.,M.Si.,Ak.,CA. and Dr. Aris Wibawanto, S.E., M.H. As the congress result, Dr. Aris Wibawanto, S.E., M.H. was chosen as the General Head of IKA STIESIA 2022-2026. Finally, the event ended with taking some pictures together and continued by having hospitality with all participants.