KPPU Invites Universities to Develop Knowledge of Business Competition in the Digital Economy

Commissioner Commission Supervisor Business Competition (KPPU) 2018-2023 Period, Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, MM, Ph.D., said the college’s critical role in developing competition business in the digital economic era.

“Necessary reproduced study about competition business in the digital economy,” said Chandra Setiawan at the time became a speaker in studying visitors with the theme, “The Role of Higher Education in Development Business Competition in the Digital Economic Era” on Page 2 STIESIA Surabaya, Friday, 20 October 2023. In a lecture event, the visitor is also present as opener Chair of STIESIA Prof. Dr. Nur Fadjrih Fun, SE, M.Sc., Ak., CA., and acts as moderator Dr. Suwitho, M.Sc., Chair of the STIESIA Undergraduate Management Study Program.

KPPU Commissioner for two consecutive terms. This disclosed science competition business in a digital economy still needs more development. Because of that rector, The President of the University for the 2012-2016 period is an academic community member college that became an obligated party _ and collaborated with KPPU to encourage and socialize competition business in the digital economy.

Chandra said that competition business in the digital economy has different characteristics from competition business in the conventional economy. Likewise, the regulations that govern it. Achiever title Doctor Philosophy (Ph.D.) Finance at Putera Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2006-2011 disclosed Not yet formulated special regulations in competition business in the digital economy era in Indonesia.

“Not yet governing regulations _ about the digital market is a regrettable matter. This is very urgent for noticed by the government because the structure of this market is very different in all aspects from existing conventional markets _ known,” said Chandra.

According to him, applicable regulations are now limited to permission to establish business in various sectors. “If the government doesn’t make regulations about matters, KPPU can also make these regulations commission about digital markets as implementation more Far from Law no. 5 of 1999 ( concerning Prohibition “Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition ),” said the Faculty Lecturer President University Business since this year 2012.

Chandra said this provision is beneficial in solution cases for competition business, as there is yet to be a framework integrated and comprehensive law for related cases with competition business in the era of the digital economy.

There have yet to be any regulations about the digital market, which is miserable. The government very urgently notices this because the structure of this market is very different in all aspects from existing conventional markets _ known.

Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, MM, Ph.D.

Commissioner Commission Supervisor Business Competition (KPPU) 2018-2023 Period

This is because Law Number 5 of 1999 only defines perpetrator business domestically as an actor performing his activities in conventional markets. At the same time, transactions carried out in the digital era are arranged through Regulation Government Number 80 of 2019 concerning Trading Through System Electronics.

Regulation Government a quo become fences and guidelines all activity trades carried out in a way electronics. According to Chandra, making an effort to enforce the law carried out by the KPPU against perpetrator business foreigners who have a negative impact on Indonesia’s economy is becoming difficult in digital market monitoring.

As mentioned above, KPPU, according to Chandra, can hold hands with colleges including STIESIA Surabaya. Following Article 4 Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Universities have some functions:

First, develop ability and form character as well as civilization dignified nation in frame enlighten life nation; Second, develop Civitas Academics who are innovative, responsive, creative, skilled, empowered competitive, and cooperative through implementation Tridharma; and Third, develop Knowledge Knowledge and Technology with pay attention and apply mark Humanities.

To know, existence The digital economy is overgrowing. The digital economy is understood as A draft economic use of digital technology as an element key in producing, distributing, and consuming goods and services. It covers many things, including e-commerce, digital banking, instant applications, and social media. One _ characteristic of the digital economy is adopting digital technology to improve efficient production processes, connect businesses with customers globally, and create innovation to encourage a growth economy.

In Indonesia, based on Statista Market Insights data, the number of users in Online market or e-commerce in Indonesia will reach 178.94 million people in 2022. The total increased 12.79% compared to the year previously, with 158.65 million users.

By 2027, Statista estimates that Domestic e-commerce users will reach 244.67 million people. Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded that the value of e-commerce transactions in Indonesia will amount to IDR 476.3 trillion in 2022. That value obtained 3.49 billion transactions in e-commerce throughout the year.

The value of e-commerce transactions in 2022 is higher than 18.8% of the year previously, amounting to IDR 401 trillion. However, the numbers are still below the central bank’s target, amounting to IDR 489 trillion.

Writer           : Fathurrochman Al Aziz

Photo: Public Relations

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