STIESIA Surabaya with Surabaya Local Government cooperated each other in holding an event of 100 dozes of vaccine of covid19. This event was held for academic community of STIESIA Surabaya and local public who had registered by online. It was located at Hall of Graha 2, Graha Widya Bhakti (GWB) STIESIA Surabaya on Wednesday, September, 23 2021.
This Covid 19 vaccination event was observed directly by the Head of PERPENDIKNAS, Drs. Ec. Agus Subagio with the president of STIESIA Surabaya, Dr. Nur Fadjrih Asyik, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA and Dr. Titik Mildawati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA as the Head of Satgas of Covid 19. It was also followed by Camat Sukolilo and Lurah Menur Pumpungan and Keputih. Acccording to Lurah Menur Pumpungan, STIESIA Surabaya was chosen since it had a large area and the place was easy to be reached.
With some properly health protocol, the event either for first or second dozes was successfully well-organized. Hopefully, with this vaccination event pandemic of Covid 19 would be over as soon as possible.