Open Examination Postgraduate Program, Management of Science, Chusnul Rofiah

Recently, the Doctorate Program, Management of Science, STIESIA Surabaya had just held the Dissertation Final Examination on Wednesday, November 2 2022 at 201 Postgraduate building. This examination aimed to prove the study’s result by Chusnul Rofiah in the title “Marketing Strategy of Social Enterprise in Area Development of Clungup Mangrove Conservation”.

The examination was led by Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.S., and promoted by Prof. Dr. Pribadiyono, M.S. also co-promoted by Dr. Khuzaini, M.M. While, the examiner team consisted of Dr. Akhmad Riduwan, S.E., MSA, Ak., CA., Dr. Lilis Ardini, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., and Anjar Priyono, SE., M.Sc., PhD., CMPM was chosen as an external examiner (Indonesia Islamic University)

The study which was done by Chusnul Rofiah aimed to find out how the marketing strategy of Social Enterprise at Yayasan Bhakti Alam Sendang Biru in managing ecotourism the Clungup Mangrove Conservation (CMC) Tiga Warna.

The result showed that “Empathy Marketing Theory” was one of the effective strategies for maintaining the business continuity of Social Enterprise that had been proven by Social Enterprise Yayasan Bhakti Alam Sendang Biru. They could manage their business until now, which entering its 17th-year anniversary.

Promovenda Chusnul Rofiah finished her Doctorate program, Management of Science at STIESIA Surabaya for three years and three months with satisfying. She became the 104th graduate.